The following is a guide on how to do PPC for appliance repair companies.
-Ultimate PPC For Appliance Repair Guide-
PPC, or pay per click advertising, advertisers will pay you every time somebody clicks your ad on the search engine results page. When people visit your website due to this campaign, you have the opportunity to convert them into leads or customers immediately. This is one of the most powerful forms of online marketing for any business – especially appliance repair companies!
There are many ways that you can benefit from pay per click advertising, but here are just some of the most common uses:
1) You can test out different web pages or call to action buttons without spending money up front 2) You can drive highly targeted traffic to your website 3) You can gain relevant, in-depth knowledge about what keywords and ads people are responding to.
PPC is a great way not only to bring in new customers but also discover which areas of your website or business need improvement. It’s a powerful tool with many benefits that you cannot afford to miss out on.
Now that we have covered the basics of PPC advertising, let’s get right into the details of how it actually works!
The first thing that you want to do is sign up with a PPC ad company, such as Google Adwords or Bing. If you do not have a website yet, then you can check out this guide for setting up your first website .
Once you sign up with an account, create an ad by filling in the appropriate information about your business and what service or product that you are advertising. When creating PPC ads, it’s important to remember these two rules:
1) The title should be attention grabbing (e.g., “Need Appliance Repair? Call Us Right Now!”) 2) The description should include keywords related to your company (e.g., “We’re the #1 Appliance Repair Company in town! Get Your Free Quote Today”)
Afterwards, choose which search engine(s) that you want your ad to show up on and what geographic area you want your ad to be shown in. It’s up to you how many search engines that you want to show your ads on, but it is especially important for appliance repair companies because each company may only rank well for specific search terms.
Next, set up a reporting schedule so that you can see which keywords are getting the most clicks and make changes as necessary. You will likely find that some keywords aren’t generating any traffic at all! Don’t be afraid to test out new phrases – sometimes, by changing even one word in your ad (e.g., “Appliance Repair” vs. “Fix Appliances”) you might see a drastic increase clicks and conversions
After you launch your PPC campaign, be sure to check back on a regular basis in order to monitor how it’s doing. Start by tracking whether or not your ad is getting clicks and monitor your conversion rate over time – you should always aim for at least one out of every five clicks turning into a lead or sale!
Remember that no two companies are alike, so the keywords that work well for one appliance repair company might not work well for another. Don’t sit in one place when this happens – test things out until you find something that works!
PPC marketing is powerful, but there are some myths about it too. When done correctly, an appliance repair company can see success within their first few days of launching a new campaign. It’s important to keep the following myths in mind:
Myth #1) I need a lot of money in order to start my own PPC campaign
Truth: When you are starting out with PPC, it can be helpful to set up an ad budget for your first few days so that you can see how many clicks and conversions you get. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars in order to do this – just $50 should be enough!
Myth #2) It doesn’t matter what keywords people are searching for; I just need them to click on my ad so that I know they’re interested
Truth: Relevant keywords play an extremely important role in getting traffic when doing pay per click advertising. Always make sure that your ads are appearing for phrases that relate to your business and the service or product that you offer.
Myth #3) I need to bid high in order to get my ad shown frequently
Truth: This is not true – in fact, bidding higher than what your competitors are bidding can actually be harmful! Your goal is to outrank the other companies on search engine results pages (SERP), but if you bid too much then you will just end up wasting money. Instead of overbidding, try paying a bit more attention to keywords and making sure that they’re related to your products and services.
Appliance repair companies have a lot going on, so it might seem like PPC advertising isn’t right for them. In reality, it can help them increase brand awareness and attract more customers. As long as you keep your campaign manageable and follow the right guidelines, you don’t need to spend a lot in order to do this and see success.
PPC marketing (and Google in general) is constantly changing – so it’s important that you’re always ready to adapt! Clients are looking for companies that are using the latest technology, so being able to offer them this will give you an edge over your competition. PPC requires constant innovation – just make sure that all of the changes have been tested before putting them into action.
If your company is having trouble attracting new business, take advantage of PPC advertising today! It may not be perfect for every appliance repair company out there, but it can be extremely helpful for the ones that are using it right.