Imagine this: You have just taken a job as a new management staff member for a roofing company, and it’s your responsibility to create a blog that will keep people coming back. Your first ideas aren’t working out like you’d hoped; you’re running out of ideas. What do you do now?
If you’ve ever found yourself in this situation (and who hasn’t?), then this article is the answer to your problems! We’ll go over some great topics for roofing companies to write about, whether they are entirely new to blogging or they want to make their blogs better than ever before. Without further ado, here are top roofing blog ideas for the year 2022 and beyond.
1) Advice Column
The best advice column ideas for roofers will often be about learning information that others may not know. For example, you could create a post titled something like “The 5 Best Materials to Use in Your Roofing Project,” which would give the best options and why they’re great for roofs.
2) Tips and Tricks Column
The next blog idea is to make a list of interesting tips and tricks that people in the roofing industry may not know yet. You can also add in your own ideas or personal experiences to make this one of the most realistic columns on your blog. Here are some example titles you can use:
“How to Get Rid of Moss on Your Roof”
” 6 Surefire Ways to Find Leaks in Your Home”
“How to Make DIY Home Improvements on the Cheap”
“The Benefits of Adding a Sunroom to Your House “
3) Case Studies Column
The next blog idea is to write about what you have learned from your previous projects. You can talk about how each one went, the mistakes you’ve made, and how others could learn from them so they don’t make those same mistakes. Here are some examples of case studies titles for roofing companies that are more specific:
“How We Saved Our Client $5,000 on Their New Roof Project”
“What Not to Do When Working with Shingles”
“How to Enlist the Help of a Professional for Your Roof Project”
4) Resources and Guides Column
The next roofing blog idea is to stop writing posts that people might not search for. Instead, create posts that include valuable resources and guides that they’ll actually want to read. Also, you can link back to your site with all of these resources so it will be easier for people to find you. Some example ideas are:
“Why It’s Important to Hire a Roofing Contractor Before You Start This Project – A Guide for Homeowners”
“The Best Materials For Residential Steel Roofing – Our Expert Opinion”
“4 Steps for Getting an Awesome Deal on New Shingles – A Guide for Roofing Companies”
5) Tips Column
Last but not least, the last blog idea to help you get started is to write about helpful tips that people may have never heard before. You can give them advice on how they should do things in their life or what mistakes they might be making. Here are some example ideas for posts:
“How to Be Safe Around Asbestos During a DIY Project”
“4 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Installing New Shingles”
“The Best Time of Year to Prepare Your Roof for Winter (And Save Money Doing It!)”
Thank you so much for reading through this article! Even if there was something you didn’t read, I’m proud of the amount of information that was included in this blog post. You can use these five tips to write some great posts for your roofing company’s blog. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll get back with you as soon as possible! Check out our article on How To Get Roofing Leads On Facebook as well as How To Scale A Roofing Business!
Are there any top roofing blog ideas not listed here? Feel free to let us know!